Story Collector
We like the tea, but without the gossip on celebrities. We prefer to pour in the stories with a soulful flavor. Connecting knowledge and wisdom through experiences in real life that one can savor!
Soulful Mom
Featured Spotlight on "Moms on A Mission," that are out of this world but also making the world a better place through entrepreneurship and other creative endeavors.
The Soulful Sips Art of Story
We tell stories. We share resources. We are focused on messages on Arts and Culture, Entrepreneurship, and Encouraging women.
We believe it is necessary to get to the heart & Soulful Sips of the matter in efforts to spark that passion, reinvent yourself or just take a chance and MAKE IT WORK. We do business with love for the community.
We love to take it offline too, through media hosting or showcasing of social events.
We want you to come to your five "senses," by 1) Listening to the stories told through sound 2) Looking at the stories told through visual arts 3) Feel the experiences shared in the stories 4) Taste the sweetness of success 5) Stop and smell the roses ...And 6) The Soulful Sips 6th sense...Never give up!
Since 1993